Wooden Stool
Here is a project that I gave my lunch breaks to. I have for a long time longing for a clean stool to have in the living room. I wanted something extra and unique. It was important that it was well built and could endure having a person standing on it. These factors were mine to implement in a creative way.

The stool has a basic shape as a cylinder. I bought a cardboard tube and cut it to the desired height. I reinforced the cylinder by adding a wooden structure on the inside. I did not let the wooden structure go through the whole cylinder. This enabled me to fit a storage in the cylinder. I made the storage area small due to the size of the structure. But also because I just wanted to be able to store a smaller quantity of items and have them raised up to the top for easy access.

Next step was to add half pinewood rods on the outside to give it a pleasant look. To cut the pinewood rods in the precise middle I had to build a tool that I could attach the rod onto. And then I used the circular saw to make the cut. I then made a compass to draw a perfect circle as a lid for the stools storage. In order to not let the lid fall off, I attached a slightly smaller circle beneath. This smaller circle had the exact radius of the inner shape and gave the lid a snug fit.